- Multi-LaPaVoMe-ASC (Best Design Award)
- Team: Andy Christensen, Peter Abraham, Kimber Beachy
- Description: Liquid Paint Voltage Measuring. To see how paint and water react to voltage.
- Subglacial Lakes (Best In Show)
- Team: Ariel Waldman, TJ Rogers
- Description: Created a publicly available list of all the known subglacial lakes in Antarctica on Wikipedia.
- Chocolate Cake Cryoconite Holes (People’s Choice Award)
- Team: Pacifica Sommers, Ariel Waldman
- Description: How to create your own cryoconite holes using chocolate cake and ice. Lesson plan developed for 5th graders and aspiration to create a “Microbe Collector” game inspired by Neko Atsume.
- How Cold Was It?
- Team: Mike Lucibella, Tim Lynch
- Description: We took a NASA weather dataset and tried to make an “app” in Excel to give a person’s weather extremes during their date range (deployment).
- KE+PE (Best Hardware Award)
- Team: Joe Wallis, Jen Law
- Description: Concept of using wind energy to pump water to a reservoir to be used on demand for hydroelectric power.
- Whether Data? Seals (Best Use of Data)
- Team: Mike Lucibella, Tim Lynch, Jen Rhemann
- Description: We took the NASA weather dataset and correlated it with Jay Rotella’s seal tagging data focused on average annual temperatures.
- Weather Data! Snow Roads (Best Application)
- Team: Kathleen Welch, Robert Kendall
- Description: